Harem Overlord

Chapter 340 Those Who Venture In The Darkness (3)(Chapter Preview)


Kai was left speechless when he heard her words. It was as though someone had just woken him up and had told him that a hundred thousand years had passed by.

But despite that, Kai knew it was true.

"Hello, great grandmother. And I am not going to add who knows how many greats there despite a family tree being in front of my face." Kai replied as Lilith nodded and hugged his body.

But since Kai was sitting, Lilith was holding his head in between her breasts. Now that would be the dream of some people but not all of them.

"Go ahead and ask any questions that you have," Lilith said as she settled down on the chair in front of him.

"If I am your grandchild, why did you try to take over my body when I used Hellbringer?" Kai asked as her face darkened.

"I knew that you would ask that question..." Lilith muttered as she stood up and went towards the wall where multiple Hellbringers were hung.

"Seven of these are the sins\' powers. One of them is mine and the last two are of my two sons, Michael and Lucifer." Lilith slowly explained while gently touching two of the swords.

"After both of them died, their souls went on to get reincarnated. But while they were alive, they had fought over the right to wield my sword and Lucifer had won. You already know about the history of Lucifer with the sword.

But when Lucifer died, Michael was still alive. He then went ahead and took the sword from his brother\'s dead body while he had come to pay his respects. After that, Michael took the sword and become the demon emperor.

But his rule was too tyrannical and since the demons didn\'t want anyone to become like him, they removed him from history. However, he had gone mad from the power. But all of that vanished when he found out that my soul was what made Hellbringer powerful.

So when he learned that, he felt guilty and decided to give up on power. But it had been too late. Hellbringer had gotten used to his thirst for power. It was as though the sword itself had grown a mind.

So at the time of Michael\'s death, the sword sucked all of his dark thoughts and thus became evil. It did the same with the seven sins, who I had asked to lend their power so that I could make the sword the core weapon that would protect the demons. But they held on easily and the sword had no choice except to give up.

After that, there wasn\'t any wielder who could satisfy it and it slowly started losing what little consciousness it had formed up.

But when you, a true demon and an archangel grabbed that sword, it woke up again. That is what had been trying to take control of your body." Lilith finished as the entire place went silent.

Kai took a few minutes to process what he had just heard. After all, it had been quite some explanation.

"Ok, my next question is why is Sahara acting like that?" Kai asked as Lilith sighed and took a sword off the wall.

"It\'s because in here, Sahara is reverted to her old self. The one who you currently saw was the Sahara from way back who had given her power to create this sword."

"Then Lilith, why are you called the first demon?" Kai\'s next question made Lilith smile as she put the sword back on the wall and came towards Kai.

"That was the name the angels branded me with. After all, I went against their virtues and they hated me for it. After all, I broke many laws which they had set and that is why I am called the first demon.

Though before I was started being called by that name, there was a race of people who looked like humans but just didn\'t have the white part in their eyes. They instead had pure black eyes. Since they were different, they were forced to live in seclusion and none of the other races were supposed to come in contact with them.

One of the major laws I broke was to contact with them. I told them that it was ok to be like that and well, they got the name demons because of me."

"So if you didn\'t do that, we may or may not have the demon race?" Kai looked surprised at this piece of information.

Talking to Lilith was telling him things that he had never heard before. Even the archangels and the sins couldn\'t tell him anything about the past because they had forgotten many things about it.

But it looked as though Lilith remembered most of it.

"Tell me more about the past," Kai said with an interested look as Lilith raised her eyebrows.

"I thought that the past didn\'t matter anymore."

"The past always matters because the things of the past are connected with the things of the future."

"Then I will tell you anything that you want to know."

"Tell me more about the sins and the formation of the demon realm."

"Well, let\'s see then. The sins are like my children. But they didn\'t contain my blood until very much later on. Four of them were human while two were from the race that became the demon race.

As for the last one, I found her abandoned in a cave. Her mother apparently didn\'t want to have a child and left it in the open. The concept of adopting children didn\'t exist back then." Lilith\'s words made Kai wonder which out of the seven sins was the last one.

"It was Yingxi," Lilith replied as she already knew that Kai would think about it.

But when he heard her words, he was more than shocked.

"You mean that Yingxi, who is the happiest of the sins, was abandoned in her childhood?!"

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